Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Best Uncluttering Question EVER

I can’t take any credit for this question, but I’m so excited about it, I just have to share.
I found it in this
great post on decision-making over on Shawn Driscoll’s Lead the Way blog. The question? very simple – Does this item represent where I’m going or where I’ve been?
That simple phrase has been dancing around in my head ever since. Because, you can get rid of some serious crap with the usual questions of Do I use it/Do I love it/etc. But sometimes those questions can let you hang onto things needlessly. Things that you have, in fact, used in the last six months but that really have nothing to do with the person you want to become or the life you want to lead. This question can pave the way to actually following your dreams.
Now, I’m not one to recommend something without trying it out myself first (I promise you that), so I took it for a little test-drive this morning. And oh, holy crap! Does it ever work well! Stuff I’d been holding onto limpet-like for way too long – gone! In just a few minutes, I had filled a green garbage bag full of clothes and fabric for the Goodwill and started another pile of stuff to go to the auction. And this was just a test-drive!
Try it the next time you need to unclutter and just see what you’ll allow yourself to let go of. And then please let me know what dreams suddenly have room to grow in your life.
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