Saturday, September 5, 2009

To Train or Not to Train . . . That is the Question.

Some business owners refrain from training their employees for fear they will spend money training and then the employees will leave for greener pastures. Yet, the old adage goes . . . the only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave, is NOT training your employees and having them stay.

4 Layers of benefits derived from professional development are:

1) More motivated, skilled employees.
2) Increased productivity and thus greater ROI.
3) Long term positive change stimulated by new insights and ideas.
4) Improves communication and relationships with customers and team members.

So, what holds you back from training your team? Money? Fear of losing your trained employees? Unable to envision the ROI?

why would a business owner not want their team to be motivated, productive, and happy?
How can your bottom-line not be positively affected if your team is operating at their optimal level?

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